Thanks Arizonamomma for this meme...
So, you know your a mom when....
Here is my story, hope you get a laugh...
We were staying in a hotel a few weeks back. Neither of my sweet kiddos slept well that night and I was in desperate need for coffee and my oldest was in desperate need for milk and cereal so I decided to take him to the morning continental breakfast..... This is where all the fun begins ...
So Matt man and I trek down in our jammies. I am half awake and in slow motion while I attempt to pour a little milk from the container into his sippy cup. There is a gentleman standing behind me and Matt in front of me...
The lid pops off (no I think I just screwed something up but I blamed the container..) and milk comes gushing out all over Matt and me... and the poor man standing behind me was splattered with milk. All I can do is laugh (oh yeah..I am sounding like Maud Simpson these days with my allergies.. or like I smoke a pack a Marlboro's a day..) while I try and compose myself. The two attendants come out to see what all the commotion is. They just smile and start cleaning. Matthew looks horrified and I am still standing there holding the catastrophe....drippy from everywhere.....
I slide off my flip flops and just dump the remaining milk from them onto the floor. We finally get everything cleaned up and Matt announces quite loudly that he has to poop "NOW".. So we grab his sippy cup and head into the elevators... The poor man who we soaked (oops I soaked) with milk joins us. Matt looks at him and says "I need to take my sweatshirt off I don't want to poop on it"... The man smiles..Yep great buddy not only did we soak him with milk but now we are sharing our bodily functions with him...
He gets off the same floor and as he passes us in the hall. High fives Matthew and says "Have a good poop buddy...)
hahahaha I was laughing hysterically. Thank goodness for people with a sense of humor and kids of their own....
Seriously, you know you're a mom when.... :)