I love this time of year... Lots of food, presents, family, and the magic of the season. My boys had an absolute blast with our "Elf" that came to keep an eye on them until Christmas Eve. They were sooooo good that Santa loaded the house with a zillion presents. Christmas Eve morning the boys were both up at 4am.. Nanny said Matthew had gone downstairs around 2am and asked.. "Nan, are you awake?" her response "No buddy, go back to sleep..." hahahaha That bought us an additional 2 blissful hours.

Christmas morning we were all up, presents were unwrapped, and breakfast was on the table by 7am.. Yep... We have early risers which is perfect. My mom, myself, and the boys are so in the spirit of the holiday.. we were all up early in great anticipation to what Santa had left us!

Jake was so interested by the tree and all the ornaments. He loved to hold them and watch them swirl... The innocence of a baby exploring his world.. Precious!

Matthew loved decorating cookies, tables, chairs, and even the floor had sprinkles!!!! So fun!

To my surprise we had a lovely White Christmas! I feel like it has been years since we had snow on Christmas!!! It was awesome! Nan and Pap had to leave a bit early to beat out the blizzard, but it was great!